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バグダッド・カフェ 完全版 [ マリアンネ・ゼーゲブレヒト ]のレビューは!?
40代 男性さん
こう。。渇いた中にも優しさがある感じで、疲れた時など の夜に観るにはサイコーの映画ですね。 『コーリング・ユー』を聴くと癒されます!
60代 男性さん
30代 女性さん
30代 女性さん
30代 女性さん
20代 男性さん
【Desert Delight...】 "BAGHDAD CAFE" is the story of two women who are as different as night and day, except with one thing in common.. .. their lives are a mess and they have absolutely no idea how to set things right. Little do they know that the answers to their problems will be found as their friendship begins to grow and they begin to rely more and more on each other. This film gleefully shreds stereotypes and overturns expectations in an exhilarating, heartening way. Marianne Sagebrecht, whose sexy beauty defies superficial definition, here gives us a unique and memorable screen heroine. Her deftly-shaded performance is sheer pleasure to watch.+++++ With no special effects, car chases, bullets or explosions, this is a true actors' movie. Jack Palance, always youthfully energetic, is delightful as an aging hippie artist, Monica Calhoun is solid as the owner of the Cafe, and Sagebrecht's gently Teutonic incandescence illuminates this marvelous must-see film. It's magic!!☆☆☆☆☆
40代 男性さん
40代 女性さん
ずっと欲しかったDVD・・レンタルではなかなかないため、購入に至りました。 この中にかかる、「コーリング・ユ−」で、ホリーコールの声に惚れました。